Saturday, February 7, 2009

What can I say... I'm a hooker.

So yes, on one of my girly trips out recently, I bought this book. I don't know what it is, but lately I've had a bit of creativity block.

OK I take that back. I've had a huge motherload of creativity iceberg block. It sucks. I can't think. I can't write. I can't draw. I can't knit. I can't crochet. But that said, I've REALLY been trying to get out of the slump with that.

This book is wonderful. It has gorgeous pictures that inspire to do circles, squares, hexagons, triangles, and other assorted shape motifs in crochet. I has the pictures. It has wonderfully written instructions. It even encourages you to learn how to read the cute little charts that I never was quite sure actually meant anything.

I've drooled over many many many of the motifs. Sadly, I've yet to accomplish one. I start in on one.. and well, it looks funny in the yarn I've picked to use, looks too small or too large with the gauge of hook I've chosen, or just plain just doesn't look like the pictures show it should.

I'll get over it soon and it will be glorious. At least in the mean time, I'm getting a lot of practice in unraveling and learned how to start the PERFECT circle.

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