Sunday, February 22, 2009


I read this on Dooce's blog, and even though I'm not "married" I thought it would be fun to say a little something about my life with the other half of my person. And for some of those things to be nice. LOL

What are your middle names?
His is Holcomb and Mine is Joan. His middle name came from his mother's maiden name. It's a tad strange because Zach actually looks quite a bit like his Grandfather. I got my middle name from my Great Aunt. Aunt Joan is the youngest of my grandfather's 3 sisters and happens to be born on the same day as my mom. Weird.

How long have you been together?
7 years, 10 months, and 2 days. And counting.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met once through a mutual friend when we all had dinner together about a year and a half before our first date.

Who asked whom out?
I'm not sure. We both kind of wanted to go see a movie at the same time, but it didn't officially become a "date" until he grabbed my hand in the theater and didn't let go until he left. :D So I guess I'll blame this one on him.

How old are each of you?
He is 28 and I'm 26.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
Zach's. He has more family and we live in closer proximity to them. We see them like EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Finding the time and giving the space. We have a constant flux of company and demands. We're extremely busy together and apart. Sometimes that gets in the way of everything that is wonderful about our life together, and sometimes there's a fight. It always eventually get worked out, and really, not such an uncommon thing. We just have to take a break from everything every now and then before it gets out of hand. Not such a bad problem to have.

Did you go to the same school?
Nope, even when I did finally move to Texas, I never went to school in the Bubble that is the Woodlands.

Are you from the same home town?
No - Zach has lived here in the Houston area his entire life. I was born and raised for the first 16 years of my existence in Lawton/Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I used to miss it a lot more than I do now.

Who is smarter?
Each of us has our areas of strength. Zach's probably smarter though because his knowledge is a tad bit more practical than mine. I can form decent sentences, am great at math, and am full of ridiculous trivia. I say Zach is smarter because his brain is more likely to save our lives in danger than mine.

Who is the most sensitive?
Uh. ME. Sometimes Zach is in a place where he's like "Feelings? What are feelings?"

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We have a ridiculously bad habit of going out to eat. I'm working on that. There's a lot of mexican and asian food in our life.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
My hometown.

Who has the craziest exes?
Umm.. probably me because I have more to pick from.

Who has the worst temper?
Zach's random explosions can be HORRIFYING, but I'm more likely to freak out on a regular basis. His temper is scary, but my fuse is definitely shorter.

Who does the cooking?
ME! But I enjoy it most of the time.

Who is the neat-freak?
We both are - just about different areas.

Who is more stubborn?

Who hogs the bed?
I know that I do. I have to have the most pillows. I move around and talk in my sleep and who knows what else. Zach is usually right where he fell asleep every morning. I hog the bed, but sometimes he's a little stingy with the covers.

Who wakes up earlier?
I do. Whether it is on purpose for work during the week or just the natural time clock going off on the weekend, I will wake up first. Zach NEVER wants to get out of bed.

Where was your first date?
Deerbrook Mall AMC 24

Who is more jealous?
I don't know. I guess me.

How long did it take to get serious?
About a month. We fell pretty hard for each other because we hadn't been really looking for each other.

Who eats more?
We're pretty even. The days that I have to be reminded to have lunch he reminds me. And visa versa.

Who does the laundry?

Who's better with the computer?
I'm better at all the things that aren't very useful. He's good with all the programmy-graphicy-stuff.

Who drives when you are together?
I like to let him drive. I drive way more than he does when we're not together.

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