Tonight's cards before bed - it's been a few days and this is only the 2nd time I've "used" them; I'm so glad I did now. I feel a little better of how this week might play out for me and just my general direction in these few new things. The first description is from the small pamphlet that came with my Thoth cards and the second from the other deck pamphlet. Pretty interesting and definitely more of what I needed to hear to keep me going on the right track.
1st - Ace of Cups
The Root of the Powers of Water. Fertility. Productivity. Beauty. Pleasure & hope.
Happiness arrives soon, but it make take some effort to bring it to fruition. Those around are more emotional than usual. Don't rely on them to be the voice of reason.
2nd - Six of Cups
Pleasure. Well-being. Effortless harmony. Ease. Satisfaction. Happiness. Success. Fulfillment of sexual will. Beginnings of improvements. Presumptuous. Vain. Thankless.
Personal magnetism is on the rise. Be firm in affairs of the heart. Don't let the past detract from the present. This is an excellent time to start a new love affair, renew vows, or relocate.
3rd - Three of Wands
Virtue. Established strength. Success after struggle. Pride & arrogance. Realization of hope. Conceit.
You are very good at putting the talents and skills of others to their use. Be specific about what you want and don't be misled by well-meaning friends. This is not a lonely time. Use strength of those around you - teamwork brings luck.
4th - Knight of Disks
The fiery part of earth. A farmer, patient, laborious and clever. Somewhat dull & preoccupied with material things. Influenced: Avaricious, surly, petty, jealous.
You've been questioning whether you'll ever have enough money to get things you want and need. You rarely feel discouraged, but lately you lack confidence in the future. Success is around the corner, but first you must learn budget time & money better.
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