Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This is how Dottie and I both feel right now. Tuckered out. Exhausted. Uber sleepy. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the bean bag with her this afternoon after work. When Zach came home, we moved to the bed for "just 10 more minutes, OK." An hour or so later, I woke up realizing I hadn't cooked dinner yet. I wish I knew what was making me feel so pukey and tired.
Too bad it's only Tuesday - I'm so ready for this weekend to catch up on some sleep!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sometimes we get just what we needed
1st - Ace of Cups
The Root of the Powers of Water. Fertility. Productivity. Beauty. Pleasure & hope.
Happiness arrives soon, but it make take some effort to bring it to fruition. Those around are more emotional than usual. Don't rely on them to be the voice of reason.
2nd - Six of Cups
Pleasure. Well-being. Effortless harmony. Ease. Satisfaction. Happiness. Success. Fulfillment of sexual will. Beginnings of improvements. Presumptuous. Vain. Thankless.
Personal magnetism is on the rise. Be firm in affairs of the heart. Don't let the past detract from the present. This is an excellent time to start a new love affair, renew vows, or relocate.
3rd - Three of Wands
Virtue. Established strength. Success after struggle. Pride & arrogance. Realization of hope. Conceit.
You are very good at putting the talents and skills of others to their use. Be specific about what you want and don't be misled by well-meaning friends. This is not a lonely time. Use strength of those around you - teamwork brings luck.
4th - Knight of Disks
The fiery part of earth. A farmer, patient, laborious and clever. Somewhat dull & preoccupied with material things. Influenced: Avaricious, surly, petty, jealous.
You've been questioning whether you'll ever have enough money to get things you want and need. You rarely feel discouraged, but lately you lack confidence in the future. Success is around the corner, but first you must learn budget time & money better.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I have done a good job ignoring it, but damn, this is killing me! I haven't given in or anything, but I'm starting to think that it is only a matter of time. ::shrug:: I don't know if I'm sick for my grandmother or if it's something else.
Whenever I don't talk to Gma or see her in a while, I start to miss the things we do. Last time she was in town, she had a major sweet tooth. We went to Rao's twice while she was here. I wish my aunt had never introduced Gma to that place - she couldn't get "goodies" out of her mind. I really didn't want anything while we were there, but was just happy to oblige. So even though I was just in Oklahoma for the 4th, I guess I'm feeling homesick.
But it's not just home I miss. I'm really missing the "girl time" I used to make such a big part of my life. Luckily I'm going to meet Chessy and probably Stephanie for coffee tomorrow morning/afternoon. That will probably help with this funk. I need to get out more like that. I know I'm not a "mommy" but I still think I need a Mommy's day out.
So maybe it's not just the creamy, sugary goodness of gelato I crave. I need a little "life" back in my life - starting with more girl time, more "date"like stuff for me and the Boy, and maybe some trips, some barhopping, and more than likely - some karaoke.
Friday, July 25, 2008
New Tea Review
So tonight I finally tried out the new tea I bought Monday when I was out with Candy. After burning through all the expensive stuff that Zach bought me from Teavana, I've been wanting to try out different kinds. I considered this one because it's caffeine free. I haven't given up on my C-fix entirely, just have been trying to cut down.
First off, this tea smells great. Somehow minty and citrus at the same time. I really, really like the strong scent of just the dry tea itself. Zach thought it smelled nice, and when I stupidly tried to show Dottie, she just ripped the tea bag from my hands - sending tea all over the kitchen floor. Duh, puppies don't sniff - they snatch and try to devour. After cleaning up that and consoling my dog from my scream of shock, I got out a second bag and brewed it up.
The tea's a little on the weak side. :/ I left it seeping longer than usual, but it still pretty light. I do like the flavor, so I'll have to double check the water level in my tea pot next time or try 2 bags. I'm not sure if I feel tamed of tension after my cup, but I do feel refreshed. A lot more clear headed. I don't think this will end up being a night time tea for me - I feel pretty keyed up despite the lack of caffeine. Maybe this will be a good tea to have before I do any energy work or readings. It's a good balance - calming/cleansing to open the mind/senses to something else or the upcoming day. All in a little hot cup!
I might even have to try this one cold. Yum!!!
Here's a pic of the box
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Hee hee little feet
Fine Time for the Internets
Things are really good lately – I feel like I might jinx myself in saying that, but it has to be said. I’m pretty chipper. I was in a fairly rough rut there, but I think I’m starting to climb out somewhat now. A big part of everything that has been dragging me down is a whole lot of unfinished business. I have a ton of things going on all the time as usual, but this is a bit different. I’m in a state of sorting things out. I know that part of my exhaustion is carrying around all this unfiltered, unorganized energy. Instead of letting life buzz around me and of me rushing from point A to point Zillion, I’m working on being a channel. Slowly, but effectively. Detailed, but efficiently, I’m making my way through things. And I’m really finding a ton of satisfaction in it. And with ever bit of success, I feel like I’m tapping into this exciting new person: what I really feel like is my true purposeful self.
Enough of the touchy feely getting to know myself business….. onto the random.
I’m re-reading Twilight by Stephanie Meyers. I absolutely love the pent up teenage romance plus vampire mix of them all. It’s ridiculous – no, it’s ridonkulous. I’ve read the 3 books that are out, but am going to re-read them before Breaking Dawn comes out on August 1st. Not only is there a new book coming out, but there’s a MOVIE in the works. I’m so excited – like a little school girl. Candy and I have pre-registered for our books and watched the trailers/sneak peek clips more times then I can count. It’s crazy fun. :D
I am in the works so sketching up and really laying out ideas for a gang. It’s not as serious as it sounds – it’s actually very hilarious. Adam and Chessy came up with our own street gang – Curbside. Zach makes fun of me sometimes when I bring it up – saying something about Curbside service at Chili’s. Little does he know that he’s the pop culture fool, but if I’m not mistaken, I really think Curbside is an old Applebee’s commercial thing, not Chili’s. Or maybe it’s that damn Bennigan’s or T.G.I.F’s. But yeah, Curbside, yo! We’re some of the least urban people I know, but, church, Curbside is our own thang. We’re going to have bling medallions and stuff hanging on some large-ass glitter-dipped macaroni dooky chains. Really it’s just another reason for me to get to hang out with my Fabulous Chessy. And get crafty. It’s very exciting. Even if we just end up with some busted cardboard wrapped in tin-foil on paper clip chains.
Oh, and don’t touch the trim!
Oops Accidentally deleted a post
Quickie (Originally Posted 7/10)
I had a great trip home this Independence Day weekend. It was glorious. I got a chance to catch up with old friends and see my family. Pictures and more on the trip later.
Ever since coming back, my entire body schedule has been off. I can't get back in the groove. I've had a dull migrane, neck pain, and tingles since Sunday. I'm exhausted. More so than I can ever remember being without prescriptions. Seriously. Monday I was in bed before 8:30PM. Tuesday night I slept all the way until almost 7AM Wednesday morning (which was just great because I should have ALREADY been at work). And last night after I got home, I went straight to bed. That's right; I went to bed at like 7:30PM and slept pretty soundly all night long. I got up once to change into PJs when I realized I had actually just fallen asleep in my work clothes at like midnight. Despite all the sleep I'm getting, I am still tired all day long. I swear if I sit still too long and it's the perfect amount of cold and quiet, I'll fall asleep sitting up. Here's to playing the radio loud when driving!
More later. Just had to type up a quick one so I don't fall asleep ;)