Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whew.. is it over yet?

So I'm in such a freaking rush for this week to be over. I'm actually taking a day off and doing a little something something for myself and my Honey. Thursday my co-worker/friend and I are going in for an hour massage - granted we're going to have a spa day paid by the company in May, but we just can't wait that long. Then I'm taking Friday off and so is Zach. Sunday is our 7 year anniversary.

I've got it planned sorta. Well, I convinced both of us to plan a day off - together. Ha ha. And we've always wanted to visit the Shiner brewery. We've been to the local micro-brewery Saint Arnold's here once, but that's it. There's been a lot of beer consumed in our years of dating - and a good part of it has been Shiner, because it's Zach's favorite. So why the hell not?

Other than that, I've got nothing else, but a card. I can't remember a year where I just don't have anything really pulled together. I guess there's a first for everything? But I'm really out of ideas/inspiration, but really, I just don't have a clue.

I know that it probably isn't that big of a deal to anyone else but myself, but geez. You just get used to a certain way, and it's hard to break form.

Then again I do have a pretty bad habit of going over the top. Maybe this is just another one of those cases?

Either way, no matter what happens, Zach will know he's loved and I can't imagine the last and the next seven years without him. I'll just keep that in mind and keep working on something. :D Lucky seven. Doesn't that mean we've survived the 7-year itch?

Note to self: Need to watch that movie. Maybe this weekend!

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